Internal Waiting List By-Law

By-Law # 17
1. All requests to relocate to another unit in the co-op must be submitted to the Co-op office using a
form provided by the Co-op.

2. There are two kinds of internal move, voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary internal moves are those
that are requested by a member who is not over or under housed. Involuntary internal moves are
those that are required by the by-laws or by medical needs.

3. Members who are requesting a voluntary internal move or an involuntary move due to medical needs
are allowed to move within the Co-op only with the express approval of the Board of Directors and
in compliance with the By-Laws of the Co-operative. Members who are over housed or under
housed according to the Occupancy By-Law will be automatically placed on the internal waiting list
by the Manager.

4. After the initial approval for the internal transfer the member must still comply with the participation
and arrears by-laws. Every six months the member will fill out a form stating their participation
(approximately four hours per month), and submit it to the office for approval from the Board of
Directors. If the form is not submitted to the office the internal transfer is considered revoked. As
well the Manager will report to the Board of Directors if any member who is moving voluntarily is
in arrears.

5. A waiting list is to be maintained for each size unit. Members may be on any waiting list that meets
the occupancy standards outlined in the Occupancy By-law.

6. The Board of Directors will base priority for internal moves on the date of approval. The only
exceptions to this will be as follows:

I. Severe damage to unit, i.e. flood or fire.
II. Under housed.
III. Over housed
IV. Medical reasons verified by a certificate proved by a physician which
must also outline why the move is necessary and what conditions are
necessary to satisfy that medical need.

The Board of Directors will make every attempt to satisfy member needs, and maintain priority,
based on the date an internal transfer request was approved the Board.

7. Members who provide a medical certificate will be placed at the top of the internal waiting list for
the appropriate size unit. Members placed on the internal waiting list must accept the first unit that
meets their medical requirement as outlined by their doctor. If they turn down a unit that meets their
stated medical need they will either be dropped to the bottom of the internal waiting list or, should
they only be on the internal waiting list because of the medical note, they will be removed from the

8. The Board can approve an application from a member to move internally on compassionate or
humanitarian grounds [e.g. death of a partner, spousal abuse, etc.].

9. If members of a household apply to relocate because of a family breakup or other problems within
the household, they may apply to the Board to have the requirements listed below waived, provided
all members of the household are in agreement. The Board of Directors will make the decision on
such a request and members may make a final appeal to the General Membership.

10. The Board of Directors shall not approve an internal move for the following reasons, but can also
refuse an application for an internal move for other reasons:

I. For any member(s) in arrears, unless the member is paying market housing
charges and the move requested is to a less expensive unit.
II. If the member(s) cannot prove a consistent record of participation in the
Co-operative. Participation means attendance at membership meetings
and involvement in the committees of the Co-operative.
III. For any member(s) who have lived in the Co-operative for less than one
full year.
IV. For any member(s) who have moved internally within the last three years
into the same size unit and one year for different size unit.

11. Members are not allowed to trade units.

12. Members may specify 204 Main Street or the rehab units. Should the Co-operative expand,
members may also restrict their choice to the “new” building only.

13. Members who are over housed, or under housed, will be placed on the internal waiting list for the
appropriate sized unit by the Manager. They will be placed at the top of the waiting list for
under/over housed and shown the first 3 available units that the fit the appropriate size unit.

14. The Board will not approve an internal transfer request until the Co-op maintenance worker has
completed a unit inspection and any deficiencies, which are the responsibility of the applying
member(s) as per the Maintenance By-Law of the Co-operative, have been corrected. The Board
must receive a final report with each internal transfer application request.

Approved by the Board of Directors: Wednesday October 8, 2008
Approved by the membership of the co-operative: Tuesday December 16, 2008.