Member Forms and Information Forms Maintenance Work Order Internal Move Request Social Room Rental Agreement The Pat Whynot Social Room is used primarily as a meeting room for the general members, Co-op committees and other Co-op meetings. When not in use for any of these purposes, it may be rented for other purposes. The Pat Whynot Social Room for the purposes of renting is defined as the main room, the kitchen, the bathroom and the adjacent garden. Name* First Last Unit*Phone*Email* Date of event* Between the hours of*I want to use the social room to: I undertand that the rental rate for members is $30 for Friday and Saturday evenings and statutory holidays. Further, I agree to reimburse the co-op for any repairs or cleaning or any other costs associated with my renting this room.* I understand my obligations and agree with them The user understands that the use of the room must be in accordance with the Patricia Whynot Social Room Policy. By submitting this form, l agree that I will be bound by this Policy and by all applicable laws governing use.* YES, I have read the Pat Whynot Social Room Rental Policy NO. Please contact me. Member Complaint Form In order for the Board of Directors to determine how to proceed with this complaint, please answer all of the following questions. Your answers will be held in the strictest confidence. Your Name* First Last Your Unit*Your Phone Number*Your Email The date and time of the incident:*If known, please give the name(s) and unit number of the member(s) you are filing a complaint against.What is your complaint about?* Which By-Law do you believe has been broken?*Occupancy By-LawPet By-LawParking By-LawMaintenance By-LawHuman Rights By-LawInternal Wait List By-LawOrganizational By-LawOther/UnknownHave you tried to resolve this issue with the other party?* Yes No If you answered No, please explain:If you tried to resolve this issue with the other party, were they receptive to your attempt to resolve this issue? Yes No If you answered Yes, please explain why you need to file this complaint.If you answered No, please explain:Are you willing to attend a mediation with the other party if suggested to you?* Yes No Depends If you answered No, please explain:What, to your mind, would bring satisfactory resolution to this situation?* I understand that the information in this complaint form is being collected for the purpose of an investigation and possible action by the co-operative. I consent to this collection and any subsequent use of this information by the co-operative or its agents. I also understand that this information may be disclosed to the person(s) involved in the issue, staff of the co-operative, the board of directors and, if the co-operative makes an eviction decision based wholly or partly on this complaint form, to the general membership (if the eviction decision is appealed) and to a court.*I understand and consent to this disclosure Downloadable Forms and Applications Information By-Laws and Policies Minutes of Meetings – Please note that these Pages are Password Protected. Board of Directors General Members